Your treatment pathway

1. Free Chat:

Come in and see us
Get a feel for the practice
Talk to our staff and meet our dentists
Explain your complaints and we can offer some free advice

2. Full consultation:

This is a comprehensive examination, where all treatment options are fully explained.
Depending on complexity of the treatment plan, x-rays, models and photographs may be taken at this appointment.
A full dental examination is taken individually.
TMT assessment, smile analogies and quatrain, inter-oral/extra-oral muscle examination and sleep analyses.

3. Treatment planning stage:

New smile design using wax up’s or digital smile design
Articulated models
Ct scans for Implants
Full treatment plan
Financial options

4. Treatment phase:

Surgery for implants, composite, veneer and crown placement
Orthodontic braces placed/ final restorations
Treatment in accordance to consented treatment plan

5. Post Treatment:

Patient assessment of treatment journey
Hygienist appointments
Referring dentists (How does this work)
Dental details- by email
Reason for referral
Then patient’s details beneath.